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Our mission is to connect quality educational resources to all teachers in order to facilitate learning, increase engagement, provide differentiation, increase rigor and promote high expectations.




Our mission is to connect quality educational resources to all teachers in order to facilitate learning, increase engagement, provide differentiation, increase rigor and promote high expectations.
What I Think About 1st Grade Graphic Organizer

What I Think About 1st Grade Graphic Organizer

Check out this fun and simple graphic organizer. This can be easily implemented during the first week of school for students to put on paper what they are thinking about for the upcoming year, at the end of the year to reflect on their time or at the end of the year to brainstorm their feelings for the following year. With a clear set of instructions and four circles for students to organize their ideas, you will gain some valuable insight into students perspectives with this simple to use graphic organizer. Check out our page for all our K-5 versions!
What I Think About 3rd Grade Graphic Organizer

What I Think About 3rd Grade Graphic Organizer

Check out this fun and simple graphic organizer. This can be easily implemented during the first week of school for students to put on paper what they are thinking about for the upcoming year, at the end of the year to reflect on their time or at the end of the year to brainstorm their feelings for the following year. With a clear set of instructions and four circles for students to organize their ideas, you will gain some valuable insight into students perspectives with this simple to use graphic organizer. Check out our page for all our K-5 versions!
What I Think About 2nd Grade Graphic Organizer

What I Think About 2nd Grade Graphic Organizer

Check out this fun and simple graphic organizer. This can be easily implemented during the first week of school for students to put on paper what they are thinking about for the upcoming year, at the end of the year to reflect on their time or at the end of the year to brainstorm their feelings for the following year. With a clear set of instructions and four circles for students to organize their ideas, you will gain some valuable insight into students perspectives with this simple to use graphic organizer. Check out our page for all our K-5 versions!
What I Think About 4th Grade Graphic Organizer

What I Think About 4th Grade Graphic Organizer

Check out this fun and simple graphic organizer. This can be easily implemented during the first week of school for students to put on paper what they are thinking about for the upcoming year, at the end of the year to reflect on their time or at the end of the year to brainstorm their feelings for the following year. With a clear set of instructions and four circles for students to organize their ideas, you will gain some valuable insight into students perspectives with this simple to use graphic organizer. Check out our page for all our K-5 versions!
What I Think About 5th Grade Graphic Organizer

What I Think About 5th Grade Graphic Organizer

Check out this fun and simple graphic organizer. This can be easily implemented during the first week of school for students to put on paper what they are thinking about for the upcoming year, at the end of the year to reflect on their time or at the end of the year to brainstorm their feelings for the following year. With a clear set of instructions and four circles for students to organize their ideas, you will gain some valuable insight into students perspectives with this simple to use graphic organizer. Check out our page for all our K-5 versions!
Reading At Home With Your Child Letter to Parents Guardians

Reading At Home With Your Child Letter to Parents Guardians

Students who read or are read to for at least 20-30 minutes every day, perform better on tests throughout the year and show linkage to increase success in the classroom. This letter home is a great way to promote a positive literacy culture at home and create buy-in with parents reading to and having students read to them at home. Presented in a very friendly way, this letter clearly articulates the role that parents can play at home when it comes to supporting reading at home.
Peer Evaluation Rubric for Group Work

Peer Evaluation Rubric for Group Work

Add a level of accountability to your group work by simply infusing this student friendly assessment each time. With up to five peers, (or four if you want to including students reflecting on themselves) students will evaluate their peers in four key areas. Each area has a 1, 2, and 3 totaling a possibility of a max of 12 for each partner. These areas include participation, behavior, on task, and work. This is a great way for the students to feel responsible for their actions as well as for the teacher to gain insight into each student's contribution.
Parent Volunteers Request Letter Form

Parent Volunteers Request Letter Form

Looking for an easy way to get parents on board to lend a helping hand? Look no further with this simple and well-organized template that you can use in a variety of contexts. The top introduces the rationale for why their help is needed, the middle is a check box list of ways they are being requested for, and the bottom is a sign and return form. This is a great way to include key stakeholders in your classroom, whether it be reading to a small group, preparing crafts, talk about a career and so much more!
I Wish My Teacher Knew Writing Prompt Template

I Wish My Teacher Knew Writing Prompt Template

Check out this incredible powerful template that you can use weekly, monthly, or on specific occasions to build knowledge of students. By using this "I wish my teacher knew..." prompt, students are able to share the things they don't often feel comfortable talking about. This is a great way to build relationships and rapport with students and ultimately raise the bar for the culture in your classroom! This product comes with a variety of templates to best meet the needs of your students, including bullet points, lined pages, open pages, and half page versions. Have fun!
Kindness Scavenger Hunt (Pay it Forward) Template

Kindness Scavenger Hunt (Pay it Forward) Template

Check out this fun and engaging template that will promote social and emotional positivity in your classroom. With the idea of paying it forward, this worksheet presents 16 options for students to good things in their school and community. These things include helping clean up, sharing snacks, leaving a nice note and many more. There is also a spot for students to fill in their own idea! This is a great way to engage students in being good citizens in their community and spreading positivity! Students can check off the tasks they complete and create a record of all of the great things they have done for others!
Student Self Assessment Behavior Tracker Year Long Template

Student Self Assessment Behavior Tracker Year Long Template

Take your behavior management to the next level by transferring the responsibility onto the students to reflect on their own conduct for the day. This simple and well-organized packet has one designated sheet for each month. Within the month you will find four weeks. The students give themselves a letter or number grade for the day and then a rationale for their grade. This kind either be private for the students or shared with teachers and parents. This reflection is used to promote ownership and accountability. It can be used per subject or per day.
Get To Know You Student Introduction Interview Questions Template

Get To Know You Student Introduction Interview Questions Template

Check out this simple and clear graphic organizer that can be used to get to know your students at the beginning of the year. Either complete independently or used to facilitate a semi-structure interview, this outline includes seven questions that cover topics about interests, school, family, goals, after school activities, difficulties, pride and more. This is a great way to expedite the time in getting to know students at a more personal living and building a relationship and rapport with your kiddos!
Star Student Poster Template

Star Student Poster Template

Check out this fun and simple template for star student. This can be used weekly, monthly quarterly or whatever fits you and your classroom. Separated into seven sections, this poster can be converted to a poster, used on a bulletin board, or made copies of after filled out and distributed to the students. The various boxes prompt students to talk about themselves and offer insight for their peers. it serves as a great way to incentives and reward kids, and can seamlessly be implemented in your classroom!
Simple Parent-Guardian Contact Log Form

Simple Parent-Guardian Contact Log Form

This simple form acts as an ideal data collection template for when you contacted parents. Very simply put, you can track who the student was that you called, the reason for calling, the date, and any notes that came out of it. It serves as great documentation when having conversations with other teachers, administrators, or parents about ongoing communication monitoring. Be sure to check out my "Advanced Parent-Guardian Contact Log Form" if you want a little more organization with your template!
Weekly Behavior Management Tracker

Weekly Behavior Management Tracker

Check out this amazing behavior tracking form that is meant to be a progress monitoring system that adds to your pre-existing system. This is based off of a simple three color system (red, green, yellow) in which one of the colors is checked for each day. its the ability to create documentation quickly on up to 20 students, this system clearly identifies the color level for each student for 5 days. Fill out one of these a week, and you can start seeing patterns and apply intervention. Additionally, there is a key at the bottom that annotates why the student received a yellow or green such as calling out, missing homework, cheating, and so much more!
Student & Class Culture Survey Inventory

Student & Class Culture Survey Inventory

Check out this awesome inventory survey to gain insight into students perceptions and perspective. Included there are 20 questions that have three emojis to choose from. Students will simple put a check under the one they most likely agree with, like a likert scale. Questions include topics such as: Do you follow the rules? Do you like being in my class? My teacher truly cares about me. and many more. The second page has short answer questions where students can elaborate a bit on questions such as How can your teacher help you today or why do you like working with your teacher. This is a great way to get a temperature check and gain insight into what your students think and feel about your class.
Student Self Awareness Inventory Template

Student Self Awareness Inventory Template

Expedite getting to know your students through this self-reflective process of thinking through strengths and weaknesses. Separated into four color-coded sections, this inventory looks into academics, morals, social components, and future potential. Presented in a likert scale format, students will choose from four responses for each prompt that is either a smiley face, frowning face, straight face or a question mark. This is a great way to promote ownership over strengths and weaknesses as well as offer valuable insight into your students on the front end. Be sure to check out other get to know you surveys as well!
Branches of Government Exit Ticket Assessment

Branches of Government Exit Ticket Assessment

With this simple and direct assesment, teachers will gain fast insight into their students' understanding of the differences between the three branches of government. Presented in six question, this assessmen include both multiple choice responses as well as a written component.It covers topics of the executive branch, legislative branch, judicial branch and some of the sub-categories within. This can easily be used as a test, quiz, exit ticket or other form of independent. An answer key has been included for your convenience.
Conversation Roundtable Template Version 1 (Differentiated)

Conversation Roundtable Template Version 1 (Differentiated)

Check out this awesome graphic organizer that can be used to facilitate your conversation roundtables. Set up to support a conversation between four people. It is clearly labeled and structured with colors to help students organize their thoughts, ideas, and conversations. Embedded in the template is a section for the topic, essential question, notes from peers, and summary. This template is presented in a variety of formats to best fit students' needs including blank space, lines, bullets and more. Be sure to check out our other templates including our version 2 that is set up for different sized groups!
Characteristics of Famous People Brainstorm Template

Characteristics of Famous People Brainstorm Template

Check out this fun and engaging brainstorm activity that forces students to reflect on the characteristics of leaders and famous people. This is a great activity for various holidays like MLK Day, Leadership Day, Presidents Day and so much more. This is also a great activity to align to the Leader In Me Program. Students will use the clear graphic organizer at the top to simply brainstorm attributes of the leaders they know about such as bold, brave, adventurous, courageous, smart, and anything else they come up with. The bottom simple prompt challenges students to think through what they can do to exhibit this traits. Let us know how it goes!!